All trainings and courses will be held exclusively by our very experienced team of teachers, including IBM Redbook authors, IBM i Champions, certified in Enterprise Design Thinking, and all with a strong and consolidated experience in the industry.
All training courses can be customized to specific company needs and be held in English, French, Italian or German
Testing (Implementation strategies & optimization)
- Detailed analysis of customer-specific requirements
- Identification of components, sequencing, purchasing, professional services
- Establishing a project plan
- Establishing success KPIs
- Implementation of rapid improvement (quick win)
- Evaluation of results
- Adjusting the dev cycle to take advantage of all possibilities
RPG (Free, ILE)
- Specifications and Keywords in Free Format
- Coding RPG without Indicators
- Built-In-Functions
- Data Structures and Arrays
- Prototyping - Basics
- ILE Concepts
- OPM versus ILE versus OO
- ILE Objects
- ILE Source Structure
- Global/Local Variables
- Prototyping
- Embedded SQL in RPG
- Overview
- Embedding SQL in RPG
- SQL without Data Access
- Using Variables in SQL
- Error Handling
- Data Access without Cursor
- Cursor Types
- Static SQL with Cursor
- Dynamic SQL with Cursor
- Consuming Result Sets returned by Stored Procedures
- Reading and Writing IFS Documents
- Performance
- SQL Queries for Professionals
- Select-Statement
- Scalare Functions
- CASE Clauses
- NULL Values
- Joining Tables and Views
- Union / Except / Intersect
- Aggregate Functions
- Group By and Having
- (Nested) Sub-Selects
- Common Table Expressions(CTE)
- Journaling Basics
- Database Manipulation Commands
- Generating and Consuming XML
- Generating XML Documents
- Consuming XML Documents
- Reading and Writing XML-Data into the IFS
- Consuming XML-Data returned by Web-Services
- SQL Programming Language
- SQL PL – Programming Language
- ACS Integrated Debugger
- Stored Procedures
- User Defined Functions
- Trigger
- Generating and Consuming JSON Data
- JSON versus XML
- JSON Basics
- JSON Support in SQL
- Generating JSON-Documents
- JSON-Predicates
- Consuming JSON Data with JSON_TABLE
- Retrieve JSON Data
- Reading and writing JSON Data into the IFS
- Consuming JSON-Data returned by Web-Services
- SQL Performance
- Database Architecture
- Query Process
- Access Methods
- Indexing Strategy
- Analysis Feedback Tools
- Coding Tips
- QAQQINI Options
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